
Monday, July 4, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Beloved Life

Beloved Life was just that... Beloved. If there are any readers who do not know, it was my business name when I was merged with my best friend Rachael Isobel's photography business. Beloved Life was our baby and it received more energy and care than most starting up businesses I'm sure. Though it seemed that being merged as two photographers would be 1/2 the work, it really turns out that for us it was quite possibly twice the work, considering that we had two very different opinions regarding our art and how we wanted to be perceived as artists. We do work so very well together and intend to 2nd shoot for each other quite often in the future, and for that we are excited. Although I am thrilled for the freedom of branching back off into my own name, saying goodbye to Beloved Life is still a hard step. Hard but good... We've had a lot of wonderful times together and hopefully with the onset of our new businesses that won't have to come to an end at all.

One thing that I am most thrilled about is keeping the love fruit aspect of our Beloved Life logo... Rachael and I both loved our logos (that we worked so long and hard on perfecting) very much and when we discussed unmerging it was one of the things we were equally the most sad about losing. She and I individually explored many options for our logos and branding all to end up with sadness that we were losing something very special from Beloved Life and that its beautiful branding was going to disappear into nothing more than a memory. It was a special moment when we both realized that Rachael loves the tree version of our logo most and I love the love-fruit version of our logo most... Rachael was the one to suggest - "Why don't we each take a piece of this beauty with us to treasure as we embark out on our own?" And so we did! I wanted to share with you that you can still recognize Beloved Life living on in my new branding. I hope you find it to be as sweet as Rachael and I do.

Below are some images from a shoot Rachael and I recently did to celebrate our friendship forever regardless of the unmerger.

Taken by my talented sister in law, Angela C Photography, and edited by "us"

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